Honeymoon Ideas Part I: South Africa / Mauritius

July 11, 2013

In the past few months I have noticed a trend while meeting with new couples. They are all ridiculously awesome and incredibly excited for their big day but the wrap up convo typically sounds like this:  “you have great taste, do you have any interest in planning our honeymoon too?” 

When this question is asked I typically become lost for words and for anyone who knows me, knows that’s pretty uncommon. I love traveling. I mean, I L-O-V-E it.  My best friend lives by the expression “pack light, go far!” Sadly, when I went on my honeymoon, I didn’t take her advice. In fact, on our way to Africa my luggage tipped the scale at 100 lbs…I actually started crying and layering my clothes on at JFK. Then I started stuffing clothes in my hubs carry on because obviously mine was already full (thank gosh he found this humorous). Needless to say, we were sitting at the airport bar before boarding and I was shvitizing because of all the layers I had on. Pat thought it was because I was nervous for the long flight–ha, what a guy! Any-who….  although I will never say “no!” to a client, I decided that it might be fun to help my couples out with their honeymoon. I’ve been to a bunch of countries and I love exploring, so why not! Don’t get me wrong, I will work with experts who are familiar with the location you plan to visit, but if it takes a little weight off your plate, just send it my way. And if you want, I’ll even go with you……..jokes, jokes!

With all this honeymoon talk, I figured I’d share some pics with you from my honeymoon. We headed off to the amazing country of South Africa for four nights and jetted to Mauritius for one week of beach time. Figured we needed a little adventure in the beginning and relaxation at the end!


DSCN0413Me + Small bumpy flight = cocktail.me.now

374678_681024364752_1140757614_nPicked up from the “airport” in style 

L1070639Well hello there, Ranger Rick



For all you Bachelor fans,we stayed at Lion Sands Ivory Lodge -same suite as Ashley Hebert …she obviosuly didn’t get the final rose. Womp, womp. 

374764_681028631202_626994855_n376836_681052533302_826476479_nCocktails in the bush? Why not! 


L1080284Next stop, to da beach…..where we stayed at the Dinarobin


L1080749L1090088oh hey, Quicksilver! 

L1090270Spa Day was much needed…

L1090572As were cocktails on the beach!

L1090229 Did a little deep sea fishing.. 

L1080944A little golfing..

388284_689127211582_1931663081_nA little tanning…

L1090052And a ton of writing in our travel journal … future blog post on this bad boy! 

L1090569oh…and we never missed a sunset! 


South Africa and Mauritius were two beautiful countries and I totally recommend visiting them. In fact, we know four other couples that did the exact same trip as us and they all had the greatest experiences!  Next Honeymoon Idea post….Viva la France! 




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